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API Documentation

API Documentation


Description of TBIA API. Click title to each section:

occurrence API

Resource URL: /api/v1/occurrence
The service will perform partial data blurred. Access to the restricted API for non-blurred data is currently available only to TBIA partner organizations.

Query Parameters Explained

Parameter Type Description Example
id string Get record by TBIA ID /api/v1/occurrence?id=6540d35818aad00028ecda95
occurrenceID string Get record by occurrenceID /api/v1/occurrence?occurrenceID=TAIF:PLANT:8540:1:1:186874
catalogNumber string Get record by catalogNumber /api/v1/occurrence?catalogNumber=186874
taxonID string List records by TaiCOL taxon ID /api/v1/occurrence?taxonID=t0052516
isCollection boolean List records by if the record is a natural history collection. Yes = true, No = false. /api/v1/occurrence?isCollection=true
rightsHolder string List records by rights holder /api/v1/occurrence?rightsHolder=台灣生物多樣性網絡 TBN&rightsHolder=濕地環境資料庫
datasetName string List records by dataset name /api/v1/occurrence?datasetName=100年高雄都會公園環境長期監測研究計畫-生物(動植物)
eventDate date List records by even date. Supports range queries. /api/v1/occurrence?eventDate=2021-10-21
created date List records by created date (TBIA portal). Supports range queries. /api/v1/occurrence?created=2023-05-09
modified date List records by modified date (TBIA portal). Supports range queries. /api/v1/occurrence?modified=2023-05-09
boundedBy string List records by a bounding box. Specified by={max longitude},{max latitude},{min longitude},{min latitude}. /api/v1/occurrence?boundedBy=122,24,121,23
polygon string List records by a polygon. Only WKT format is supported. /api/v1/occurrence?polygon=POLYGON ((120.761719 23.755182, 120.772705 23.543845, 121.135254 23.5237, 121.135254 23.755182, 120.761719 23.755182))
circle string List records by a circle. Specified by={longitude of centre},{latitude of centre},{radius in KM}. /api/v1/occurrence?circle=122.51,24.9,10
apikey string Restricted API Key /api/v1/occurrence?apikey={yourAPIkey}
*Range queries are given as a single parameter value by concatenating start date and end date with a comma.
Example: /api/v1/occurrence?eventDate=2021-10-21,2021-10-25

Return Data Explained

Parameter Name Type Note
id TBIA ID string
created Created Date (TBIA Portal) date
modified Modified Date (TBIA Portal) date
standardDate Standardized Event Date date
standardLatitude Standardized Latitude float
standardLongitude Standardized Non-blurred Longitude float
standardRawLatitude Standardized Non-blurred Latitude float Obtained by restricted API
standardRawLongitude Standardized Non-blurred Longitude float Obtained by restricted API
standardOrganismQuantity Standardized Organization Quantity float
associatedMedia Associated Media string Values are separated by semicolon
basisOfRecord Basis of Record string
catalogNumber Catalog Number string
coordinatePrecision Coordinate Precision string Please refer to the sixth point in the TBIA released document on the 生物多樣性敏感資料開放作業原則文件 for a detailed explanation.
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters Coordinate Uncertainty in Meters string
dataGeneralizations Data Generalizations boolean
datasetName Dataset Name string
tbiaDatasetID TBIA Dataset ID string
sourceDatasetID Source Dataset ID string
gbifDatasetID GBIF Dataset ID string
eventDate Event Date string
license License string
locality Locality string
mediaLicense Media License string
occurrenceID occurrenceID string
organismQuantity Organism Quantity string
organismQuantityType Organism Quantity Type string
originalScientificName Original Taxon string
preservation Preservation string
recordedBy Recorded By string
recordNumber Record Number string
references References string
resourceContacts Resource Contacts string
rightsHolder Rights Holder string
sensitiveCategory Sensitive Category string
sourceCreated Created Date (Rights Holder) date
sourceModified Modified Date (Rights Holder) date
sourceScientificName Source Scientific Name string
sourceVernacularName Source Vernacular Name string
typeStatus Type Status string
verbatimCoordinateSystem Verbatim Coordinate System string
verbatimLatitude Latitude string
verbatimLongitude Longitude string
verbatimRawLatitude Non-blurred Latitude string Obtained by restricted API
verbatimRawLongitude Non-blurred Longitude string Obtained by restricted API
county County string
municipality Township / Town / City / District string
rawCounty Non-blurred County string Obtained by restricted API
rawMunicipality Non-blurred Township / Town / City / District string Obtained by restricted API
verbatimSRS Verbatim SRS string
scientificNameID Scientific Name ID (from Rights Holder) string Scientific Name ID provieded by original data. Could be TaiCOL namecode.
taxonID Taxon ID string TaiCOL Taxon ID
match_higher_taxon If Matches Higher Taxon boolean If the taxon ID of the record is matched to its higher taxon. Yes = true, No = false.
scientificName Scientific Name string
name_author Name Author string
bioGroup Biological Group string
taxonRank Taxon Rank string
common_name_c Chinese Common Name string
alternative_name_c Chinese Alternative Name string
synonyms Synonyms string
misapplied Misapplied Name string
kingdom Kingdom string
kingdom_c Kingdom in Chinese string
phylum Phylum string
phylum_c Phylum in Chinese string
class Class string
class_c Class in Chinese string
order Order string
order_c Order in Chinese string
family Family string
family_c Family in Chinese string
genus Genus string
genus_c Genus in Chinese string

dataset API

Resource URL: /api/v1/dataset

Query Parameters Explained

Parameter Type Description Example
tbiaDatasetID string Get dataset by TBIA datasetID /api/v1/dataset?tbiaDatasetID=d674d7dc6c3bd2c006cefad10
sourceDatasetID string Get dataset by sourceDatasetID from rights holder /api/v1/dataset?sourceDatasetID=ac869aba-ac34-4416-9eda-075258fef27a
gbifDatasetID string Get dataset by GBIF datasetID /api/v1/dataset?gbifDatasetID=275319e1-f91c-406f-b239-62cb9d4185cb
rightsHolder string List dataset by rights holder /api/v1/dataset?rightsHolder=台灣生物多樣性網絡 TBN&rightsHolder=濕地環境資料庫
datasetName string List dataset by dataset name, supporting partial matching /api/v1/dataset?datasetName=eBird
datasetTaxonGroup string List dataset that include the specified taxon group /api/v1/dataset?datasetTaxonGroup=鳥類
created date List datasets by created date (TBIA portal). Supports range queries. /api/v1/dataset?created=2023-05-09
modified date List datasets by modified date (TBIA portal). Supports range queries. /api/v1/dataset?modified=2023-05-09
*Range queries are given as a single parameter value by concatenating start date and end date with a comma.
Example: /api/v1/dataset?created=2024-01-01,2024-12-31

Return Data Explained

Parameter Name Type Note
datasetName Dataset Name string
rightsHolder Rights Holder string
tbiaDatasetID TBIA Dataset ID string
sourceDatasetID Source Dataset ID string
gbifDatasetID GBIF Dataset ID string
resourceContacts Resource Contacts string
occurrenceCount Number of Records Included in the Dataset integer
datasetDateStart Dataset Start Date date
datasetDateEnd Dataset End Date date
datasetURL Dataset URL string
datasetPublisher Dataset Publisher string
datasetLicense Dataset License string
datasetTaxonGroup Taxonomic Groups Included in the Dataset string
created Dataset Created Date (TBIA Portal) date
modified Dataset Modified Date (TBIA Portal) date

map API

Resource URL: /api/v1/map

Query Parameters Explained

Parameter Type Description Example
boundedBy string Retrieve grid data by a bounding box. Specified by={max longitude},{max latitude},{min longitude},{min latitude}.
grid integer Retrieve grid data in specified grid size, providing 1, 5, 10, and 100 km grids.
*Required, default is 1
taxonID string Retrieve grid data by TaiCOL taxon ID. /api/v1/map?boundedBy=122,23,121,22&grid=1&taxonID=t0052516
bioGroup string Retrieve grid data that include the specified taxon group /api/v1/map?boundedBy=122,23,121,22&grid=1&bioGroup=鳥類
year integer Retrieve grid data by specified year in yyyy format. Supports range queries. /api/v1/map?boundedBy=122,23,121,22&grid=1&year=2024
*Due to performance considerations, the bounding box range must be used in conjunction with the grid size. If you need to retrieve data in a larger geographical area, please split it into smaller sections and retrieve them separately.
*A 1 km grid can retrieve a 1-degree latitude and longitude range per request, a 5 km grid can retrieve 10 degrees, a 10 km grid can retrieve 20 degrees, and a 100 km grid can retrieve 40 degrees.

*Range queries are given as a single parameter value by concatenating start year and end year with a comma.
Example: /api/v1/map?boundedBy=122,23,121,22&grid=1&year=2020,2025

Return Data Explained

Returns a 1, 5, 10, or 100 km gridded polygon in GeoJSON format. The retrieved GeoJSON can be directly overlaid on the map, with each feature representing a grid and containing attributes:
- Number of records in a grid
- grid size
- grid number

If you want to create a map similar to TBIA portal, you can refer to the following number of records and corresponding color codes:
Number of Records Color Code
1 - 10 #ffffcc
10 - 100 #ffeda0
100 - 1000 #fed976
1000 - 5000 #feb24c
5000 - 10000 #fd8d3c
10000 - 50000 #fc4e2a
50000 - 100000 #e31a1c
100000+ #bd0026

Common operations

Combined Query:

Each query parameter can be used for union and intersection queries. When multiple values ​​are queried using the same parameter at the same time, the union will be taken; when different parameters are queried at the same time, the intersection will be taken.
Example: /api/v1/occurrence?boundedBy=122,24,121,23&rightsHolder=GBIF


Parameter Description Example
limit Controls the number of results in the page. By default limit is 20. The limit can be a maximum of 1000 for a single request. /api/v1/occurrence?limit=1000

*Due to performance considerations, each request can return a maximum of 1000 records. You can retrieve the URL of the next page using the 'next' parameter returned, and recursively fetch all the data.


Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error


	"status": {
		"code": 回傳狀態代碼,
		"message": 回傳狀態說明
	"meta": {
		"total": 符合查詢條件全部筆數,
		"limit": 每頁回傳筆數,
	"links": {
		"self": 本頁網址,
		"next": 下一分頁網址

Terms of Use

The API provided by this website adopts the same terms of use as this website.

Update History

  • 2025-02-05 | Add Map API

    2024-12-13 | Add Dataset API

  • 2024-06-27 | Modified the pagination parameter.

  • 2023-12-12 | V1 release note